
In our infant program, we are committed to making the first transition out of the home natural and easy for both, parents and child, because we understand that leaving your baby in someone else care is a big step, we offer a calm, safe and loving environment interacting with your little one.

Communication makes a huge impact on how a child grows, how people around them speak to a child affect not only the mood throughout the day but their entire experience at school. Even though infants can not yet answer back, it is very important for teachers to talk to them as if they could hold a conversation, because they do understand many things at this young age.

It is very important for teachers letting the infant know what are they going to at all times before they do it, is necessary to use a detail communication explaining and respecting their attempt to answer back.

Our teachers work diligently teaching sign language to the infants helping them to communicate and express their feelings because they don’t have vocabulary yet.

We use relaxing color, good lighting, creating a cozy environment where infants can be relaxed and feel at home.

We incorporate a wide variety of teaching methods and materials in the infant room, at this young age they learn directly through their senses, we use variety of natural materials for them that are safe for babies to touch and feel with their hands and their mouth.

Infants love to move, and all actions are learning activities for them, standing, walking, climbing, our teachers are trained to responds to the growth of each child giving the independence where they can explore safely.

The cognitive, socio-emotional and physical part is important, taking into account that a large part of a brain development happens at this stage, we provide an environment to take every opportunity to be a learning experience. We create a daily routine where we include reading as a big part of our day and we encourage the infants to move around their classroom that is equipped with appropriate toys for their age as well that they enjoy an outdoor time in our playground where they can explore.

We work along with the Department of Health providing formula and food for the infants, if they are on breast milk we encourage mothers to come in and feed their babies.

Our teachers count with early childhood education training, background check, CPR and First Aid certification.

Our school has an open-door policy and we encourage our parents to visit the school at any time. With our program we make sure to have constant communication to inform parents about their children’s daily life and their general progress. As part of our commitment, we conduct a survey twice a year to measure satisfaction and fulfillment of our mission.